promoting smart agricultural water management in bosnia and herzegovina

What’s smartwater?
SMARTWATER project aims to boost adoption of smart water management techniques in BiH agriculture, in order to address issues like climate change and drought, that prevent national agriculture improvement.
To do so, SMARTWATER will operate on the high educational system of University of Banja Luka (UNIBL), promoting twinning activities with other international bodies and reinforcing networking, research and S&T cooperation capacities.

Funding authority
European Union, European Commission

36 Months
From January 1th to December 31th 2023

6 partners
International research agronomic institutions and one IT company
News & events
SMARTWATER international workshop (Trebinje, BiH) – event update
SMARTWATER consortium organized the final main event within the project! In the period 29-30 May 2024, the international workshop was held in Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topic of workshop was “Smart agricultural water management”. Through different...
SMARTWATER international workshop (Trebinje, BiH) – announcement and programme
SMARTWATER consortium announces the final main event within the project! In the period 29-30 May 2024, the international workshop will be held in Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topic of workshop will be “Smart agricultural water management”. The aim of this...
SMARTWATER team in Florence (Italy) – celebrating 100 years of soil science
In May 2024, SMARTWATER team members from UNI-BL joined the Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences (19-21 May 2024, Florence, Italy). The event aimed to empower the linkages with different disciplines, policy makers,...
Academic exchange within SMARTWATER project in Mesagne (Italy)
In April 2024, early stage researchers from BiH visited SYSMAN headquarters in Mesagne (Italy), in line with the SMARTWATER academic exchange plan. The short-term technical visit was held in the period 15-19 April 2024 in Mesagne. The first day was devoted to...
SMARTWATER project presented at two international conferences in Dubrovnik and Cacak
Our team members promoted the SMARTWATER project at two international conferences, in Serbia (Cacak) and Croatia (Dubrovnik). The first conference "59th Croatian & 19th International Symposium on Agriculture (SA 2024)" was organized by University of Zagreb and...
Workshop “Sustainable Water Management in Agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Improving Research and Innovation Capacities” was held at the University of Sarajevo (Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences)
In the premises of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences at the University of Sarajevo, on March 5, 2024, as part of the activities of the SMARTWATER project, a workshop entitled "Sustainable Water Management in Agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Improving...
Sustainable water management in agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina – enhancing research and innovation capacities
The Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, together with project partners, the University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), the Centro Internazionale di Altistudi Agronomici Mediterranei (Italy), the Agencia Estatal Consejo...
Promotion of SMARTWATER project at conference in Serbia – Zlatibor
SMARTWATER project was presented at the 58. Conference of agronomists and farmers in Serbia (Zlatibor). This event was organized by the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad and NS SEME. The conference was held in the period Jan 29 - Feb 2 2024 in Zlatibor...
University of Banja Luka and University of Sarajevo staff participate in the scientific exchange program at Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), School of Agriculture of the Technical University of Lisbon
This scientific exchange aims to facilitate research collaboration among the researchers, particularly to analyse data from the experimental plots in Sarajevo (Butmir) and draft a research paper on the use of remote sensing in agricultural water management. Also,...
Ivana Mitrovic from CIHEAM-IAMB story
I have decided to apply to CIHEAM-IAMB for study through an application process that was organized together with the University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, and the SMARTWATER project. Since I was a student in the first year of the second cycle of studies in...