In April 2024, early stage researchers from BiH visited SYSMAN headquarters in Mesagne (Italy), in line with the SMARTWATER academic exchange plan.
The short-term technical visit was held in the period 15-19 April 2024 in Mesagne. The first day was devoted to introducing smart decision support system (DSS) tool called Blueleaf and to understanding its features, hardware, and software components. Practical applications of Bluleaf, like using Bluleaf for water productivity estimates, were shown on the second day. Also, case studies and applications as well as scenario analysis and strategy implementation were shown to participants. The third day was devoted to field demonstrations, interactive session and conclusion and future directions. ESRs from BiH, guided by SYSMAN experts, visited the agricultural farm in Mesagne area with application of Blueleaf (vineyards, field crops etc.). Exchange participants were able to see the real application of DSS tool Blueleaf and to ask farm managers about the main do’s and don’ts for Blueleaf utilization in agricultural production.