Prva ljetna škola
Integrisani pristup za upravljanje poljoprivrednim vodama
30 Avg. – 3 Sept. 2021 | Trebinje – Bosnia Herzegovina
Pronađite i preuzmite SMARTWATER materijal Prva ljetna skola
30 Avgust – 3 Septembar 2021, Trebinje – Bosnia Herzegovina
Dan 1
Dan 2
Dan 4
Program i informacije
Ljetna škola fokusirana na “Integrisani pristup za upravljanje poljoprivrednim vodama”
30 Avgust – 3 Septembar 2021, Trebinje – Bosnia Herzegovina
Dan 1
Project implementation - status and perspectives - Mihajlo Marković (UNSA)
The lectures relate to the implementation of the SMARTWATER project with a focus on goals, organization,and competences, as well as the activities carried out in the first 18 months of the project.
Author Mihajlo Marković – UNSA
Keyword: precision agriculture, water management, SMARTWATER
Istraživanje domaćeg hibrida kukuruza BL-43 (Zea maize L.) prilikom primjene različitih režima navodnjavanja i azota - Nataša Čereković (UNSA)
This presentation contains an overview of all activities and measurements that were carried out during the first year of research at Aleksandrovac (UNI-BL) and Butmir(UNSA). The research study is based on the on the assessment of the impact of different water regimes on the domestic maize hybrid (BL40) grown in a different pedoclimatic area. Preliminary results obtained at both locations are presented and compared.
Author Nataša Čereković – UNSA
Keyword: smart agriculture, maize, climate change, irrigation; Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Drought monitoring in Republic of Srpska, standard statistical methods in meteorology - Nada Rudan
This presentation contains an overview of all activities and measurements that were carried out during the first year of research at Aleksandrovac (UNI-BL) and Butmir(UNSA). The research study is based on the on the assessment of the impact of different water regimes on the domestic maize hybrid (BL40) grown in a different pedoclimatic area. Preliminary results obtained at both locations are presented and compared
Author Nada Rudan – Republic Hydrometeorological Institute
of Republic of Srpska, BiH
Keyword:multi–year climate data, climate change, drought; evaporation; solar radiation;
Hydrological regime of water resources and irrigation in eastern Herzegovina - Duško Vujović
This presentation provides an overview of the hydrological regime and the use and monitoring of water resources in Herzegovina. The history and use of irrigation in Herzegovina is explained, from the oldest to modern irrigation systems. An overview of the current state of irrigation was introduced.
Author Duško Vujović – Trebišnjica Hydroelectric Power Plants (HET), BiH
Keywords: Hydrological regime; water resources; irrigation; Herzegovina.
Reconstruction of the irrigation systems in the Republic of Srpska, current status - Svetlana Lazić MPŠV RS
This presentation provides an overview of the reconstruction of the irrigation system in the Republic of Srpska from2013 until now and the current state of irrigation in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. With regard to drought as an extremely important factor in land degradation with numerous direct and indirect consequences on food production, biodiversity and the environment in general, the Government of the Republic of Srpska in the previous period started the implementation of projects for the construction of sustainable irrigation systems. The current status of the completed work wasintroduced.
Author Svetlana Lazić MPŠV RS
Keywords: irrigation system; reconstruction; drought; land degradation; Republic of Srpska; Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Dan 2
Integrated agricultural water management: basic principles and approaches - Mladen Todorović CIHEAM-IAMB
Author: Mladen Todorović CIHEAM-IAMB
Keyword: Water, Water Management, Water , water use, environmental, water bodies status.
Irrigation systems, Session 1: Surface irrigation systems (theory) - Nery Zapata CSIC
These lectures contain a summary of the most common on-farm irrigation methods: surface, sprinkler and drip irrigation. For each irrigation method, the principal characteristics, the methodology to measure its quality and the description of design and management tools were included. Simulation tools for each irrigation method were presented. Examples to improve the design and management of each method were also comprised.
Author Nery Zapata – CSIC
Keyword: irrigation systems, surface irrigation, sprinkler, drip irrigation, irrigation efficiency, irrigation uniformity, irrigation simulation models.
Irrigation systems, Session 2: Surface irrigation models (practical) - Nery Zapata CSIC
These lectures contain a summary of the most common on-farm irrigation methods: surface, sprinklerand drip irrigation. For each irrigation method, the principal characteristics, the methodology to measure its quality and the description of design and management tools were included. Simulation tools for each irrigation method were presented. Examples to improve the design and management of each method were also comprised.
Author Nery Zapata – CSIC
Keyword: irrigation systems, surface irrigation, sprinkler, drip irrigation, irrigation efficiency, irrigation uniformity, irrigation simulation models.
Irrigation systems, Session 2 (exercise) - Nery Zapata CSIC
Author Nery Zapata – CSIC
Keyword: sprinkler, irrigation uniformity, pumping, pressure, energy, stemflow, throughfall.
Use of UAVs in agriculture - Sabrija Čadro UNSA
These lectures contain a part related to defining the concept of smart agriculture as well as the principles of photogrammetry and remote sensing. The function of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) and the method of their use are described, with special reference to agriculture. Also, topics such as: Types and division of unmanned aerial vehicles are included; Types of cameras and recordings; Drones vs. Satellites; Vegetation indexes.
Author Sabrija Čadro – UNSA
Keyword::smart agriculture, remote sensing, UAV, agriculture
Irrigation systems, Session 3: Sprinkler irrigation systems (theory) - Nery Zapata CSIC
These lectures contain a summary of the most common on–farm irrigation methods: surface, sprinkler and drip irrigation. For each irrigation method, the principal characteristics, the methodology to measure its quality and the description of design and management tools were included. Simulation tools for each irrigation method were presented. Examples to improve the design and management of each method were also comprised.
Author Nery Zapata – CSIC
Keyword: irrigation systems, surface irrigation, sprinkler, drip irrigation, irrigation efficiency, irrigation uniformity, irrigation simulation models.
Irrigation systems, Session 3: Sprinkler irrigation systems (practical) - Nery Zapata CSIC
These lectures contain a summary of the most common on–farm irrigation methods: surface, sprinkler and drip irrigation. For each irrigation method, the principal characteristics, the methodology to measure its quality and the description of design and management tools were included. Simulation tools for each irrigation method were presented. Examples to improve the design and management of each method were also comprised.
Author Nery Zapata – CSIC
Keyword: irrigation systems, surface irrigation, sprinkler, drip irrigation, irrigation efficiency, irrigation uniformity, irrigation simulation models.
Irrigation systems, Session 4: Sprinkler irrigation model (practical) - Nery Zapata CSIC
These lectures contain a summary of the most common on-farm irrigation methods: surface, sprinkler and drip irrigation. For each irrigation method, the principal characteristics, the methodology to measure its quality and the description of design and management tools were included. Simulation tools for each irrigation method were presented. Examples to improve the design and management of each method were also comprised.
Author Nery Zapata – CSIC
Keyword:irrigation systems, surface irrigation, sprinkler, dripirrigation, irrigation efficiency, irrigation uniformity, irrigation simulation models.
Crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling - Mladen Todorović CIHEAM-IAMB
Land degradation neutrality in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Marijana Kapović Solomun UNI-BL
This presentation gave an overview of land degradation neutrality (LDN) in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The characteristics of climate, geomorphology, vegetation and soil are presented. The main LDN
activities are also explained. Furthermore, land cover changes, land productivity dynamics, soil
organic carbon stocks, hot and bright spots, priority watersheds, main and other drivers of land
degradation, as well as population change are emphasized. The goals, challenges, opportunities and
steps in the implementation of LDN are explained.
Author Marijana Kapović Solomun – UNI-BL
Keyword: land degradation neutrality; land productivity; land cover; land degradation drivers; Bosnia and Herzegovina
Advanced learning techniques and digital tools for water management systems - Luigi Capodieci SYS
Sysman Progetti & Servizi is a technology PMI from Apulia Region (Italy), mainly involved in research
projects regard Digital Agriculture. Sysman developed a software product called Bluleaf, a Decision
Support System (DSS) able to help farmers and technicians on field in managing their crops and
optimize agronomic inputs (such as water, fertilizer, and pesticides).
The presentation provides an overview of the DSS Bluleaf with details regard the plot configuration
procedure and an introduction to digital tools implemented for learning and training purposes.
Author Luigi Capodieci – SYS
Keyword: DSS; Digital Agriculture; Irrigation; Italy.
Dan 4
Evapotranspiration and surface infrared temperature - Isabel Alves ISA
This presentation focuses on the relationship between evapotranspiration and the infrared surfacetemperature (TSI). The TSI is often considered a practical approximation of the true aerodynamic temperature, although, as shown, the two temperatures are basically not the same. TSI influences he sensible heat flux and the moisture stress condition of crops. This stress can be measured by indices such as Degree Stress Day, Canopy Temperature Variability, Temperature Stress Day, and Crop Water Stress Index.
Author Isabel Alves – ISA
Keyword: evapotranspiration, water, soil, temperature
Crop Models, Session 1: DSSAT model, theoretical aspects - Farida Dechmi CSIC
These lectures contain a general introduction of the use of crop growth simulation models, and an
overview of the DSSAT-Cropping System Model (CSM). Crop growth simulation models importance,
concept, application, reliability, evaluation, and required data were introduced. DSSAT main tools,
modules, processes, and datasets were presented. These lectures are completed by presenting an
example of the DSSAT application in an irrigated agricultural system and some practices to provide
an experience in using DSSAT version 4.7 utility programs.
Author Farida Dechmi (CSIC)
Keyword: Crop model, crop growth, DSSAT, model evaluation.
Crop Models, Session 2: Practical application of DSSAT to analyze experimental data - Farida Dechmi CSIC
These lectures contain a general introduction of the use of crop growth simulation models, and an
overview of the DSSAT-Cropping System Model (CSM). Crop growth simulation models importance,
concept, application, reliability, evaluation, and required data were introduced. DSSAT main tools,
modules, processes, and datasets were presented. These lectures are completed by presenting an
example of the DSSAT application in an irrigated agricultural system and some practices to provide
an experience in using DSSAT version 4.7 utility programs.
Author Farida Dechmi (CSIC)
Keyword: Crop model, crop growth, DSSAT, model evaluation.
Irrigation systems, Session 5: Drip irrigation systems (theory) - Nery Zapata CSIC
These lectures contain a summary of the most common on-farm irrigation methods: surface, sprinkler and drip irrigation. For each irrigation method, the principal characteristics, the methodology to measure its quality and the description of design and management tools were included. Simulation tools for each irrigation method were presented. Examples to improve the design and management of each method were also comprised.
Author Nery Zapata (CSIC)
Keyword: irrigation systems, surface irrigation, sprinkler, drip irrigation, irrigation efficiency, irrigation uniformity, irrigation simulation models
Irrigation systems, Session 6: Drip irrigation systems (practical) - Nery Zapata CSIC
These lectures contain a summary of the most common on-farm irrigation methods: surface,
sprinkler and drip irrigation. For each irrigation method, the principal characteristics, the
methodology to measure its quality and the description of design and management tools were
included. Simulation tools for each irrigation method were presented. Examples to improve the
design and management of each method were also comprised.
Author Nery Zapata (CSIC)
Keyword: irrigation systems, surface irrigation, sprinkler, drip irrigation, irrigation efficiency, irrigation uniformity, irrigation simulation models.
Sustainability assessment of fertigation in maize - Maria do Rosário Cameira ISA
This presentation focuses on intensive irrigated agriculture and environmental pollution issues, mainly nitrate leaching into the water bodies, and the assessment methods – field measurements, farm surveys, nitrogen balances, and system modelling. Scenario analysis considers the nitrogen application rate in maize fields with center pivot irrigation cultivated in different soil textures.
Author Maria do Rosário
Cameira ISA
Keyword: sustainability