Capacity building for research
The objective of this work package is to improve scientific knowledge and skills in sustainable agricultural water management of researchers of the coordinating institution and other scientific institutions of the applicant partner country.
While researchers will be primarily targeted, other actors in the knowledge value chain will be addressed in one of the activities. Early stage researchers will be primarily addressed in this WP, with specific quotas for each activity. WP2 will contribute to build scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the concerned research institution in BH.
Measures to achieve this objective will include advanced training courses, Master of Science program, summer schools and R&I funding workshops.
Main Tasks
Task 2.1: Advanced training courses (Task leader ISA-LEAF, Participants: UNI-BL, CIHEAM-IAMB, CSIC, UNSA)
Task 2.2: Post-graduate Master of Science fellowships (Task leader: CIHEAM-IAMB; Participants: UNI-BL, CSIC, ISA-LEAF, UNSA).
Task 2.3: Summer schools (Task leader: UNI-BL; Participants: All)
Task 2.4 Workshops on funding opportunities and proposal drafting (Task leader: UNSA, Participants: All)