Scientific strategy for sustainable agricultural water management 

The objective of this WP, based on a SWOT analysis, is to focus on defining the priorities and actions needed for a new national research strategy in the area of sustainable agricultural water management and for stepping up and simulating scientific excellent and innovation capacity of UNI-BL and other BH institutions.

The strategy will be based on the principles of sustainable development, current research and S&T achievements and Responsible Research and Innovation process that will step up and stimulate scientific excellence and innovation capacity of UNI-BL and other BH institutions on the short and long-term basis. 

This will imply the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders, the design of a policy roadmap for decision makers and the establishment of a Scientific External Advisory Board for the review for existing strategy and monitoring of the quality of research conducted in the field of agricultural water management. 

    Main Tasks

    • Task 4.1: Scientific External Advisory Board – SEAB (Task leaders: CIHEAM-IAMB; Participants: UNI-BL, CSIC, ISA-LEAF, UNSA) 


    • Task 4.2: Multi-stakeholder engagement (Task leader: UNSA; Participants: UNI-BL, CIHEAM-IAMB, CSIC, ISA-LEAF) 


    • Task 4.3: Assessment and analysis of policies and strategies related to the sustainable agricultural water management (Task leader: CSIC; Participants: UNI-BL, CIHEAM-IAMB, ISA-LEAF, UNSA). 


    • Task 4.4: Research  strategy  development  for  sustainable  agricultural  water  management (Task  leaderCSIC, Participants: UNI-BL, CIHEAM-IAMB, ISA-LEAF, UNSA). 


    Partners involved

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