2nd Summer School

Smart technologies and best practices(technical and practical) for sustainable and environmentally efficient water management in agriculture

18-22 July 2022 | Sarajevo

 Browse and download contents from SMARTWATER Second Summer School

18-22 July 2022, Sarajevo – Bosnia Herzegovina

Day 1

Day 2

Day 4

Day 5

Program and info

Summer school focused on the “Smart technologies and best practices(technical and practical) for sustainable and environmentally efficient water management in agriculture”

18-22 July 2022, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina

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Day 1

Project implementation -status and perspectives - Sabrija Čadro (UNSA)

The lectures relate to the implementation of the SMARTWATER project with a focus on goals, organization,and competences, as well as the activities carried out in the first 18 months of the project.

Author Sabrija Čadro – UNSA

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Keyword: precision agriculture, water management, SMARTWATER

Eco-efficient agricultural water management: concept and application.- Mladen Todorović CIHEAM

The lectures focus on the concept of eco-efficiency and its application in agricultural water management. Eco-efficiency is presented as a ratio between the added value of agricultural production and generated environmental impact. Several examples of the assessment of eco-efficiency are given focusing mainly on agricultural water management. Water supply chain mapping of Sinistra Ofanto irrigation scheme is illustrated for three irrigation zones. For each of them, the eco-efficiency is estimated and discussed by means of added economic value per cubic meter of applied water and per kg of CO2 equivalent emitted in the atmosphere. 

Author Mladen Todorović – CIHEAM

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Keyword: agricultural water management, water productivity, eco-efficiency, water supply chain, environmental impact

Bluleaf® interactive session with real use case of application - Luigi Capodieci, Vito Buono SYS

This lecture (connected to the previous one) focuses on the practical application of a Decision Support System (DSS) for irrigation management, in the contest of digital and precision agriculture. 

Then, the ‘integrated approach’ working in the Bluleaf DSS is presented, and the most relevant input parameters and variables (for weather/crop/soil/irrigation) are analyzed and described in relation to their practical definition/monitoring at the farm scale. Finally, a brief description is given for the Web/App software interfaces and tools, and some real case-sudies of application are described for field and horticultural crops (e.g. table grape, kiwifruit, tomato). 

Author Luigi Capodieci – SYS

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Keyword: Irrigation scheduling, DSS, Plant-soil sensors, Weather stations, Crop modeling

Bluleaf® interactive session with real use case of application - Vito Buono SYS

This lecture (connected to the previous one) focuses on the practical application of a Decision Support System (DSS) for irrigation management, in the contest of digital and precision agriculture. 

Then, the ‘integrated approach’ working in the Bluleaf DSS is presented, and the most relevant input parameters and variables (for weather/crop/soil/irrigation) are analyzed and described in relation to their practical definition/monitoring at the farm scale. Finally, a brief description is given for the Web/App software interfaces and tools, and some real case-sudies of application are described for field and horticultural crops (e.g. table grape, kiwifruit, tomato). 

Author Vito Buono – SYS

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Keywords: Irrigation scheduling, DSS, Plant-soil sensors, Weather stations, Crop modeling

Day 2

Implementation of River Basin Management Plans in Spain, the Ebro River Basin as a study case - Marian Lorenzo (CSIC)

This lecture contains a summary about the implementation of River Basin Management Plans in Spain in the context of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). 

The introduction explains the different rules of the water administrations in Spain and their development. In the second part, there is an overview of the hydrological planning process, focused on public consultation and measures program related with agriculture. Finally, there is a review of the most important items included in the third cycle of hydrological planning in the Ebro River Basin: classification of water bodies, water resources, water use, environmental flows, register of protected areas and the status of water bodies. He presentation also includes some examples from agricultural and environmental research and data from Bosnia and Hercegovina. 

Author: Marian Lorenzo – CSIC

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Keyword: Water policy, Water Management Plans, Water Framework Directive, public consultation program, program of measures, water bodies, water resource, water use, environmental flows, nitrate vulnerable zones and water bodies status.

Low-pressure sprinkler irrigation in maize - Enrique Playán (CSIC)

The cost of energy for water pumping has become a major problem for irrigated agriculture in the last decade. In this lecture, experiments are presented to characterize impact sprinkler irrigation uniformity operating at normal pressure and reduced pressure (300 and 200 kPa, respectively) in a maize crop. Results indicate that reduced pressure does not reduce maize yield. As a consequence, relevant reductions in energy costs can be obtained at the water users association and farm levels. 

Author Enrique Playán – CSIC

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Keyword: sprinkler, irrigation uniformity, pumping, pressure, energy, stemflow, throughfall.

Irrigation governance in developing countries: problems and solutions - Enrique Playán (CSIC)

Many irrigation projects in developing countries fail to attain the objectives of creating wealth to farmers and self-sustaining operation. In this lecture, a collection of problems and solutions in irrigation governance is presented and illustrated with seven case studies from all over the world. The responsibility of key actors in irrigation development (government, irrigation development agency, water user’s associations and farmers) are discussed, and a method is presented to identify key solutions to a given set of problems. 

Author Enrique Playán – CSIC

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Keyword: Irrigation scheduling, DSS, Plant-soil sensors, Weather stations, Crop modeling

Network to control water quantity and quality of irrigation return flows. - Enrique Playán (CSIC)

This lecture contains a summary of the official water quantity and quality networks in Spain in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). 

It was explained the different type of networks (surveillance networks, operative networks, investigations networks, reference networks and protected areas networks) and the measured parameters. The networks related to agricultural are presented: agroclimatic networks and quality control networks. 

It was described the networks to control the quantity and quality of irrigation return flows, for surface and groundwater. The design process of the network was explained: data requirements, measurement point locations, measurement devices, instruments of measure, and measurement frequency. 

Author Marian Lorenzo – CSIC

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Keyword: surface and groundwater control networks, irrigations retour flows, agricultural pollution.

Day 4

Remote sensing (RS) processing of data collected from a UAV - Sabrija Čadro (UNSA)

In the lectures, the concepts behind the use of vegetation indices were presented and their analysis was carried out on a local example. All the possibilities of software applications for the analysis of aero-photogrammetric images are also shown, and the use of tools such as: Cutting, calibration (ground control points), annotations (area, line, slope, volume, count), elevation, exporting and creating a report file. 

Author Sabrija Čadro – UNSA

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Keyword: UAV, flight plan, precision agriculture, remote sensing

Combining remote sensing vegetation indexes (VIS) and soil water balance model (SWB) - Wilk Almeida, Teresa Paço (ISA)

This presentation discusses how to estimate crop evapotranspiration using remote sensing data and soil water balance (SWB) model. The methodology combines the FAO56 approach and the spectral vegetation indexes (VI) obtained by satellite images to estimate basal crop coefficient (Kcb). The basal crop coefficient estimated using the VI (Kcb VI) is corrected by a stress coefficient obtained with the SWB model, and them the actual crop coefficient is used to estimate the actual crop evapotranspiration.

Author Wilk Almeida, Teresa Paço (ISA)

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Keyword: actual basal crop coefficient, evapotranspiration, remote sensing, SIMDualKc model

Hands-on session RS & VIs & SWB - Wilk Almeida, Teresa Paço (ISA)

This practical session shows an application of the methodology that combines the FAO56 approach, and the spectral vegetation indexes to estimate basal crop coefficients and soil water balance over a maize field, using data from satellite images. This activity uses satellite images of Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 to estimate Kcb values across the Viana do Alentejo region, in Portugal. 

Author Wilk Almeida, Teresa Paço – ISA

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Keyword: Irrigation scheduling, DSS, Plant-soil sensors, Weather stations, Crop modeling

Climate change and remote sensing: crop growth and soil water balance model - Daniela Soares (ISA)

This presentation focuses on how climate change impacts on maize production, how to study climate change – using deterministic models, spatial or temporal analogies, and statistical models – and how to determine irrigation requirements under climate uncertainty. The models use as main inputs climate and agronomic data combined with soil water balance model to provide as outputs the impacts of climate change on the crops and the adaptation measures to mitigate the climate change effect on different scenarios. 

Author Daniela Soares – ISA

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Keywords: climate change scenarios; adaptation measures; water deficit; growing degree-days

Crop water status – techniques and sensors for stress detection - Teresa Paço (ISA)

This presentation discusses the concept of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and the main methodologies to evaluate plant water status that allow ETc measurement directly (plant and soil water potential) or indirectly (stomatal aperture, and leaf surface temperature). The presentation covers the principal issues to measures the water status at a field with different techniques and sensors for stress detection and how to uses this information to improve the water use on irrigated systems 

Author Teresa Paço – ISA

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Keywords: water stress coefficient; water stress; crop water requirements; plant and soil water potential

Day 5

Presentation of the performed and future research on the test site in Aleksandrova - Nataša Čereković (UNI-BL)

The lectures relate to the implementation of the SMARTWATER project with a focus on goals, organization,and competences, as well as the activities carried out in the first 18 months of the project.

Author Nataša Čereković – UNI-BL

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Keyword: smart agriculture, maize, climate change, irrigation; nitrogen; Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Presentation of the performed and future research on the test site in Butmir - Nataša Čereković (UNI-BL)

This presentation contains an overview of all activities and measurements that were carried out during the first year of research at Butmir, Sarajevo. Some of the obtained results are also presented. The subject of the research is the influence of irrigation on various characteristics of the domestic maize hybrid (BL43). 

Author Nataša Čereković – UNI-BL

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Keyword: smart agriculture, maize, climate change, irrigation; nitrogen; Bosnia and Herzegovina;