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Моделирање раста усјева и продуктивност воде за еко-ефикасно управљање пољопривредним водама
July 17-21, 2023 | CIHEAM – Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, Valenzano, Bari, Italy
Browse and download contents SMARTWATER 3rd Advanced Training Course
17-21 July 2023 | CIHEAM – Valenzano, Italy
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Program and info
3rd Advanced Training Course focused on the “Crop growth modeling and water productivity for eco-efficient agricultural water management”
17-21 July 2023 | CIHEAM – Valenzano, Italy
Day 1
Crop growth modeling, water productivity and eco-efficiency: principles, approaches, and application (interactive session)
In this presentation, the efficiency chain and interaction of engineering and agronomic aspects of agricultural water management on the water pathway from the source (e.g., storage reservoir) to its effective application in the field is analyzed. Several aspects of water productivity area discussed including engineering water supply efficiency, agricultural crop water productivity, water use efficiency, etc. at different scales. The concept of ecoefficiency is introduced as a ratio between the economic added value of agricultural production and corresponding environmental impact expressed through the emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere and related to the water withdrawal and supply, energy consumption, use of fertilizers, pesticides, etc. The examples of application of eco-efficiency approach are discussed using the water supply chain mapping of Sinistra Ofanto irrigation scheme (Apulia region, Italy).
Author Mladen Todorović – CIHEAM Bari
Keyword:engineering water supply efficiency, agricultural crop water productivity, water use efficiency, eco-efficiency approach
AquaCrop – a crop growth water productivity model.
This lecture focuses on the crop growth modelling, in general, and particularly on AquaCrop growth model. The introductory part was about some basic definitions related to the agricultural systems, modelling, simulations, state and rate variable, assumptions, scenarios, etc. Driving forces – crop growth engines – and processes (modules) of a crop growth model are described. The crop growth model’s production levels including potential, attenable, and reduced production are discussed. Crop growth modelling construction phases are presented including data requirements, algorithms, calibration, validation, sensitivity analysis, etc. Then after, several crop growth modelling approaches and modelling schools are described. Finally, AquaCrop modelling approach, data requirements, and model’s peculiarities are presented and discussed.
Author Mladen Todorović – CIHEAM Bari Marie Therese Abi Saab
Keyword: crop growth modelling, data requirements, algorithms, calibration, validation, sensitivity analysis, AquaCrop modelling approach
Day 2
Presentation of the user interface of AquaCrop model, AquaCrop-GIS and model’s applications(theoretical and practical session)
The training on the use of AquaCrop water productivity model developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) consisted of a theoretical presentation and practical work. In the presentation, AquaCrop concepts and structure were introduced to the trainees, then, the Input data required to run AquaCrop and their acquisition were presented. The theoretical session also discussed the calibration and validation procedure of AquaCrop. Concerning the practical work, the session started by presenting AquaCrop user-interface, then, a series of exercises were completed. The exercises aimed to teach the trainees on how to create the climate, soil and crop input files, how to create a project in AquaCrop and run simulations, how to create irrigation files and assess yield response to water. Finally, AquaCrop_GIS was presented to the trainees with a discussion about all its features.
Author: Marie Therese Abi Saab
Keyword: rAquaCrop water productivity model, AquaCrop user-interface, input files. yield response to water, AquaCrop_GIS
Management of the climate and soil database in AquaCrop: Practical Exercises
Marie Therese Abi SaabThis exercises aimed to teach the trainees on how to create the climate and soil input files. Concerning the practical work, the session started by presenting AquaCrop user-interface, then, a series of exercises were completed. Exercises 1 and 2: aimed to teach the trainees on how to create the climate input files in AquaCrop. The trainees learned how to import climatic data from excel to AquaCrop and how to organize the data in order to calculate the reference evapotranspiration and create climatic files for specific locations.
Author: Marie Therese Abi Saab
Keyword: climate, soil, input files, AquaCrop, reference evapotranspiration, d
Management of the crop database in AquaCrop: Practical Exercises
The exercises aimed to teach the trainees on how to create the crop and soil input files. Exercises 3 and 4: aimed to present to the trainees how to create crop and soil files and organize them as a project in AquaCrop. The difference between conservative and non-conservative crop parameters was considered in this session. The trainees learned how to fine-tune the nonconservative crop parameters. For the soil file creation, the USDA-SPAW calculator was used to estimate some soil water hydraulic properties needed to run AquaCrop.
Author: Marie Therese Abi Saab
Keyword: crop, soil files, AquaCrop, fine-tune the non-conservative crop parameters, USDASPAW calculator, soil water hydraulic properties
Day 3
Generating and managing irrigation scheduling in AquaCrop – simulating yield response to water: theoretical session<br /> and practical exercises
The exercises aimed to teach the trainees on how to create a project in AquaCrop and run simulations, how to create irrigation files and assess yield response to water. Exercises 5,6 and 7: aimed to present irrigation scheduling in AquaCrop. The trainees learned how to create irrigation files and assess yield response to water. Two different irrigation options were considered in AquaCrop: generating schedules based on time and depth criteria and net irrigation management approach. Finally, AquaCrop_GIS was presented to the trainees with a discussion about all its features.
Author: Mladen Todorović, Marie Therese Abi Saab – CIHEAM Bari
Keywords project, AquaCrop, irrigation scheduling, AquaCrop_GIS
Carbon footprint modelling in agricultural production using a life cycle perspective: theory and practical application
The relationship between the human activities, greenhouse gases, climate change and ecosystem performance is described. An overview of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) concept and application is given focussing on the phases (goal and scope, life cycle inventory, Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA), and interpretation, and the strengths and weaknesses of the approach. Then, the carbon footprint modelling approach is introduced. The life cycle-based tools for assessment are presented and discussed. Practical examples of modelling of the carbon footprint of agri-food products are reported and elaborated together with the participants.
Author: Andi Mehmeti
Keywords: Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Impact Assessment, modelling of the carbon footprint of agri-food products
Day 4
Irrigation management under greenhouse conditions: innovative<br /> approaches to improve water productivity and eco-efficiency
The expansion of the greenhouse cultivation in the Mediterranean region is presented with the examples of innovative solutions for the promotion of sustainable solutions and competitiveness. The soil water balance equation for the calculation of crop water requirements under greenhouse conditions is discussed along with the peculiarities of crop eco-physiological performances in respect to open field cultivation. The science-based irrigation scheduling methods for on-soil and soilless cultivation are reported and compared with the empirical approaches based on the grower’s experiences. Several methods for the estimation of crop evapotranspiration under greenhouse conditions are described with the emphasis of their practical application. Finally, several research and demonstration projects based on the use of new technological solutions for irrigation management under greenhouse conditions are discussed. A technical visit to the ORTOGOURMET (www.ortogourmet.com), close to Mola di Bari (province of Bari, Apulia region), was carried out with the scope to visit different solutions of cultivation and water management and to discuss with the local managers about advantages and limitations of the application of modern technologies under greenhouse cultivation.
Author: Francesco Montesano – University of Bari
Keywords greenhouse cultivation, crop water requirements, Mediterranean region, soil water balance, crop evapotranspiration estimation, new technological solutions, technical visit
Day 5
Acquisition of soil and crops’ growing and physiological parameters at the experimental fields – a practical session at the experimental fields and in laboratories of CIHEAM Bari
It is a practical session carried out at the experimental fields of Bari Institute and in the laboratories for soil hydrology and eco-physiology. The principles of functioning and purpose of numerous equipment and procedures for the measurement of soil hydraulic characteristics and plant eco-physiological parameters are presented. Practical application in the fields focusses on the demonstration of soil data acquisition (soil moisture content, electrical conductivity) using geophysical methods, and plant measurements including leaf area index, stomatal conductance, solar radiation interception, canopy spectral signature (using on-ground spectroradiometer), and canopy gas exchange (using LICOR 6400).
Author: Giovanna Dragonetti, Carlo Ranieri – CIHEAM Bari
Keywords laboratories, soil hydrology, eco-physiology, practical application, geophysical methods, plant measurements
New technologies, approaches, apps and sensors in support to crop growth modelling, water productivity and eco-efficiency in agriculture – interactive discussion session
An interactive discussion session focussing on the application of new technologies, application approaches, use of new modelling tools, apps and sensors in support of precision farming and crop growth modelling, water productivity and eco-efficiency in agriculture is conducted. The participants expressed their opinion on the advances of agricultural production and strengths and limitations of innovative technologies and tools.
Author: Mihajlo Marković (UNI-BL), Sabrija Čadro (UNSA), Mladen Todorovic (CIHEAM Bari)
Keywords interactive discussion, application of new technologies, use of new modelling tools, apps and sensors in support of precision farming, water productivity, eco-efficiency