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Оквири финансирања ЕУ – Хоризонт Европа и писање предлога

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

Workshop 1

Program and info
Workshop 1: EU funding frameworks- Horizon Europe and proposal writing

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina – October 11 –13, 2022

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Horizon Europe The next EU Research & Innovation Programme (2021 – 2027)

Main aspects and features of the European R&I Framework Programme Horizon Europe, including missions, scope, purpose, main structure.

Author Virginia Belsanti – CIHEAM BARI, Italy

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Horizon Europe Eligibility

Description of the eligibility criteria for participating in HE and for receiving funding

Author Virginia Belsanti – CIHEAM BARI, Italy

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Horizon Europe Multistakeholder approach and RRI

Explanation of the multistakeholder approach, RRI, gender in HE

Author Virginia Belsanti – CIHEAM BARI, Italy

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Horizon Europe Proposal writing-template

Description of the proposal template in HE

Author Virginia Belsanti – CIHEAM BARI, Italy

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Horizon Europe Pillars

Detailed presentation of the 3 pillars of HE and the cross-cutting actions

Author Virginia Belsanti – CIHEAM BARI, Italy

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Horizon Europe Work Programmes decoding

Explanation of the work programmes and how to decode a topic

Author Virginia Belsanti – CIHEAM BARI, Italy

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Horizon Europe Project elements

Overview of the main concepts embedded in project design

Author Virginia Belsanti – CIHEAM BARI, Italy

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Horizon Europe Proposal writing 1

Main elements to consider at the initial stage of proposal writing

Author Virginia Belsanti – CIHEAM BARI, Italy

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Horizon Europe Proposal writing 2

Description of all the principles that guide different sections of the proposal template, such as Open science, Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Do no significant harm principle etc.

Author Virginia Belsanti – CIHEAM BARI, Italy

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Workshop 2

Program and info

Workshop 2: EU funding frameworks- Horizon Europe and proposal writing

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina – January 31 –February 3, 2023

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Budget Overview
The presentation highlights the following key areas:
Financial guidelines: provides insights into the fundamental principles that govern EU funding, an overview of the Annotated Model Grant Agreement and framework for grant management. The training also covers various grant types and funding rules, highlighting the significance of effective budgeting.
Fundamentals of financial management: explains eligibility rules pertaining to financial aspects and eligible costs with a comprehensive understanding of the major cost categories within research and innovation project.
Resource Planning and Budgeting: provides main differences between the proposal budget and actual project spending, recognizing the importance of aligning financial planning with project objectives. The training focuses on cost estimation, covering key areas such as personnel costs, travel expenses, subcontracting, and other direct costs.
Through practical exercises, participants were actively engaged in calculating their person-month rate accurately, additional direct costs such as travel expenses, consumables, equipment and subcontracting.

Author: Nour Al Gndi CIHEAM-IAMB

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Horizon Europe Networking

Overview on how to build a scientific and innovation network and be able to design balanced and effective consortia. Sources of information are included.

Author: Virginia Belsanti CIHEAM-IAMB

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Science Communication

Science Communication Strategies: provides an overview of the principles and strategies of science communication under Horizon Europe including development of communication plans, set communication objectives and identification of target audiences.
Public Engagement and Outreach: explores innovative approaches to public engagement and outreach activities under Horizon Europe. Open Access and Open Science Communication: provides the principles of open access and science for an effectively communication to different audiences.

Author: Ivana Cavoski CIHEAM-IAMB

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Horizon Europe The next EU Research & Innovation Programme (2021 – 2027)

This presentation includes all specific explanation and guidance to navigate through the proposal template sections: excellence, impacts, implementation. It has been administered at different moments throughout the training. 

Author: Virginia Belsanti CIHEAM-IAMB

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Workshop 3

Program and info

Workshop EU funding frameworks: Horizon Europe and proposal writing-follow up

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina – May 22 – May 24, 2023

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