Professor Mladen Todorović (CIHEAM-IAMB) visited the University of Sarajevo and the University of Banja Luka
Distinguished Professor Mladen Todorović visited the University of Sarajevo, more precisely at the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences from November 23 until December 1 in 2022 and the University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, from December 5 to December 8 as a part of SMARTWATER (Promoting Smart Agricultural Water Management in Bosnia Herzegovina) project activities, within the program of work package 3 (WP3): “Networking and knowledge sharing” and task 3.3 “Exchange of scientist and research”. Professor Todorović comes from the project partner institution CIHEAM-IAMB (Centro Internazionale di alti studi agronomici mediterranei), Bari, Italy.
During the first day of his visit to the University of Sarajevo (UNSA), prof. Todorović met with the representatives of UNSA on the SMARTWATER project as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, where they discussed the completed activities and plans for the next period.
The next day of the visit was spent working on defining the master’s thesis of student Alen Pavlović, who is enrolled in the second year of master’s studies at CIHEAM as part of the project. This activity was carried out together with the local coordinator of the project, Assistant Professor Sabrija Čadro, who is appointed as a local scientific supervisor on this topic. Then, together with the authors of the first scientific paper within WP3, he worked on the finalization of the manuscript.
On Wednesday 30.11. professor Todorović gave a lecture to master’s students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, and on 01.12. participated in the 32nd International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry “Local Food Production Systems in The Era of Global Challenges” held in Sarajevo, Ilidža.
During his visit to the University of Banja Luka, Professor Todorović met with the project coordinator, Prof. Dr. Mihajlo Marković, as well as UNI-BL representatives on the SMARTWATER project. Professor Todorović held lectures on the use of geographic information systems and remote sensing in agriculture. Meetings were also held with three prospective master’s students to discuss potential theses based on data obtained from the SMARTWATER project experiments. With the main author of the first scientific paper from the SMARTWATER project, Nataša Čereković, Ph.D., prof Todorović, as the responsible author, evaluated all the comments of the paper and worked on the final preparations of the paper.